Notify the player when the ped is intoxicated (alcohol or narcotics) The ped may flee if we attempt to arrest them. The ped will comply as long as the vehicle is not moving The stopped ped will have a yellow blip with "human" icon. Using menu, you may: Ask ped's ID, Issue warning, Question the Ped, Follow Me, Take the ped from behind (grab), Pat Down the ped, Conduct Breathalyzer test, Conduct drug swab test, Arrest the ped, Release the arrested ped, Ask ped to kneel down or get up, Request nearby Police Buddy (from Ultimate Backup) to watch the ped, Request escort vehicle for the ped (Taxi, Uber, Ambulance, or Police Transport) You may stop the next nearest ped by doing the same command

Using System using GTA using GTA.Math using GTA.Native public class Raycast : Script Vehicle vehicle = player.CurrentVehicle float searchdist = 30.0f Vector3 vehPos = vehicle.Position Vector3 vehDir = vehicle.ForwardVector Vector3 vehFor = vehPos + (vehDir * searchdist) int ray = Function.Call(Hash._CAST_RAY_POINT_TO_POINT, vehPos.X, vehPos.Y, vehPos.Z, vehFor.X, vehFor.Y, vehFor.Z, 10, vehicle, 7) OutputArgument hit = new OutputArgument() OutputArgument endcoords = new OutputArgument() OutputArgument surfacenormal = new OutputArgument() OutputArgument entityHit = new OutputArgument() Function.Call(Hash._GET_RAYCAST_RESULT, ray, hit, endcoords, surfacenormal, entityHit) Vehicle hitVehicle = entityHit.GetResult() Vector3 hitVehPos = hitVehicle.Position OutputArgument x = new OutputArgument() OutputArgument y = new OutputArgument() bool success = Function.Call(Hash._WORLD3D_TO_SCREEN2D, hitVehPos.X, hitVehPos.Y, hitVehPos.Z, x, y) if (success & hitVehicle.To comfortably Stop the ped: Stop the nearest ped peacefully (only one ped at a time) or Stop the ped at gunpoint (while aiming your weapon at the ped)

Even the pitch matters, but it's easy and small. Drawbacks are you need to be aiming very precisely. Raycast.cs does one simple raycast in front of the car. I don't know how critical performance is but I can imagine doing a bunch of simple raycasts and filtering on the already small list is good.Īnyhow while figuring this out I actually wrote two kinda working programs lol Doing multiples would also need to make you filter through the hit ones to get the correct one, at which point you'll be doing the first anyway. The other option would be to do a raycast, but you'd be limited by a single cast. afaik there are two solutions, iterating over all vehicles that are active and check with vectors if they are close and if they are in a certain area in front of you. If you just use ScriptHookVDotNet, you can do something like vehicle.NumberPlate to get the plate.įor looking which is the car in front of you, things are a bit harder. You basically want to grab the license plate of the vehicle in front of you.